
網(wǎng)站首頁(yè)產(chǎn)品展示burkert調(diào)節(jié)閥burkert角座閥 > 熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥
熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥

熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥




簡(jiǎn)要描述:熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥
burkert 2000、burkert2000角座閥、BURKERT 角閥1398、1398角座閥、寶德2000角座閥


熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥

burkert 2000、burkert2000角座閥、BURKERT 角閥1398、1398角座閥、寶德2000角座閥

The externally piloted angle–seat valve is operated with a single or double-acting piston actuator. The actuator is available in two different materials, depending on the ambient temperature. High flow rates are attained with the stainless steel 2-way body. The reliable self-adjusting packing gland provides high sealing integrity. These maintenancefree and robust valves can be retro-fitted with a comprehensive range of accessories for position indication, stroke limitation or manual override. They are also available as manually operated valves.

熱銷(xiāo)burkert 2000角座閥1398:寶德1398角座閥

burkert 2000、burkert2000角座閥、BURKERT 角閥1398、1398角座閥、寶德2000角座閥


• High flow rate 

• Materials: stainless steel 

• Spring return closed or open, double-acting, manual operation 

• With self-adjusting packing glands, intermediate relief and wiper

• Process controllers, positioners, control heads, feedback switches for high    accuracy and rangeability

burkert 2000、burkert2000角座閥、BURKERT 角閥1398、1398角座閥、寶德2000角座閥





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